Flambé Mayan Coffee

1/2 oz Xtabentun liquor
1/2 oz Kahlua
I cup brewed coffee
1 scoop vanilla ice cream
orange slices
Crystal Goblet
Sauce boats (must be fireproof!)
Flame source
Here’s what you need to to do. . .
1. Moisten the rim of your glass by rubbing it with an orange slice.
2. Roll the rim of the glass in sugar.
3. Warm the goblet and sauce boat gently in flame.
4. Pour the coffee into the cup, leaving about two inches room for the ice cream and liqueurs.
5. Pour the Xtabentun and Kahlua into one of the sauce boats and light the spirits using the flame.
6. Pour the flaming spirits from one sauce boat into the other and then pour into the goblet.
7. Carefully spoon the ice cream into the coffee so that it floats and begins to melt. Do not stir.
8. Drink.
Recipe and photo courtesy of http://www.foodbeast.com
Enjoy !!