¡Bienvenidos! Forums Palladium Travel Club Paying in Pesos

  • This topic has 21 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Bill.
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    • #2721

        We joined the Travel Club in 2011. Prior to last year, and checking in with the dedicated Travel Club staff, we paid for our stay in pesos. Last year, that seemed an issue, and we were charged in USD. As a Canadian, this year it is imperative we are charged in pesos. Has anyone had a similar experience as we did in 2015?

      • #2759

          Hello Joan I´am Ivan Reyes The community manager of Palladium Travel Club

          It’s depends on of your credit card
          If you pay with American express, you can pay in pesos
          If you prefer to pay with another credit card type or debit our sistem will change the amount in american dollars.


          Please confirm with our staff (receptionist) before to the pay your stay.

          If you have more questions, please send us en email with your membership number
          and we check your questions with the corresponding area.

        • #2804

            Thanks Ivan. I did not have this information. Thanks again.

          • #2841

              Just another comment Ivan, despite contacting that email previously about another question with no response, I posted on this forum do which I always get an answer.

            • #2848

                Joan, I suggest using the email, only because I don’t know how often Ivan looks in on the Forum. If you are having trouble getting replies post here and we will try to get your questions answered. Both Peter who is very knowledgeable regarding the TC and Ivan are very helpful.

              • #2981

                  Hello Blueskies and Joan

                  I’m sorry, sometimes we are busy and forget check the forum.

                  Always we check the facebook https://www.facebook.com/PalladiumTravelClub or twitter @PalladiumTC

                  and we have these email address




                  KINDLY REGARDS
                  Ivan Reyes

                • #3055

                    Gracias Ivan.

                  • #3535

                      Another question from a Canadian traveller if we use American Express and can pay in peso’s are they using the USD to Peso conversion or CDN to Peso conversion as 1 USD is 18.85 pesos and 1 CDN dollar is only 13.63 pesos at today’s rates. For say a 14 nite stay that cost $4700 USD converted to pesos is 88595 pesos and convert that to CDN is $6500. Any ideas or are my calculations out of wack.


                    • #3754

                        Sorry for the delay Bill and welcome to the site. Any questions, feel free to ask, if we dont know the answers we will ask for help and find them.

                      • #3756

                          Hello Bill
                          Your reservations always are in USD, but when you come to Palladium RM you can pay in pesos.However you have to check with your bank Which one is the rate to the conversion (money exchange)with the bank?

                        • #3777

                            I realize we are paying in USD but my point is when we get home and our Credit Card is in pesos converted from USD’s when we pay the credit card in Canadian funds it is very frustrating. We cannot afford to pay $2100 dollars more for a 2 week vacation at this time hope our currency turns around soon.


                            2006 Royal Caribbean - Mexican Riviera
                            2007 Princess - Eastern Caribbean
                            2008 Holland America - Hawaii
                            2009 Akumal - Grand Bahia Principe
                            2010 Mayan - Ocean Turquesa
                            2011 GP - Royal Suites Yucatan
                            2011 Holland America - Alaska
                            2012 GP - Royal Suites Punta de Mita
                            2013 GP - Lady Hamilton
                            2014 GP - Royal Suites Turquesa
                            2015 GP - Bavaro
                            2016 - ?
                            2017 - ?

                          • #3778

                              I understand your frustration. My suggestion would be to get a credit card with no international transaction fees. Two that are available to Canadians are the Amazon card and the Rogers card. There may be others but not many. That will save you a minimum of 2.5%. Secondly since the peso is valued against the USD there is no real advantage to paying in peso’s. If you pay in USD you should not have to pay the conversion twice. It should just be USD to CAD.

                            • #3779

                                Bill, firstly I hope that the financial state in Canada improves soon. Unfortunately, I really don’t understand the entire conversion process as I have never tKen the time to learn it. Being from the U.S., the charges are always in USD…which is the Travel Club’s practice in pricing. I believe the hotel converts the price from USD to pesos and then your bank would convert the pesos into Canadian dollars. I don’t know if there is a benefit in paying in pesos as the base price is USD. Therefore there is a higher price in pesos than in the past.

                              • #3789

                                  Thanks for responding guys we want to become American citizens lol. Hope I can explain it better for you. When we pay $5400 for a 2 week vacation in USD and put on our Visa credit card when we arrive home and pay our credit card off it is converted to Canadian dollars plus a 3 to 4 percent exchange fee so I would end up paying $7450 (1.38% difference) plus $223 conversion rate credit card company charges so $7673 out of my pocket over $2000 more for a 2 weeks vacation. If it is converted from USD to pesos and put on credit card (1 USD = 18.85 pesos) $5400 is 101870 pesos but when that is converted and paid in Canadian (1 CDN = 13.63 pesos) that 101870 pesos will be $7450 for our vacation. That is why resorts not just GP should let Canadians pay in CDN dollars I’m sure tourism out of Canada has dropped substantially because of the difference in the dollar over the last year. Hope another member from Canada could weight in maybe I am way out to lunch. Sorry for the rant.


                                  2006 Royal Caribbean - Mexican Riviera
                                  2007 Princess - Eastern Caribbean
                                  2008 Holland America - Hawaii
                                  2009 Akumal - Grand Bahia Principe
                                  2010 Mayan - Ocean Turquesa
                                  2011 GP - Royal Suites Yucatan
                                  2011 Holland America - Alaska
                                  2012 GP - Royal Suites Punta de Mita
                                  2013 GP - Lady Hamilton
                                  2014 GP - Royal Suites Turquesa
                                  2015 GP - Bavaro
                                  2016 - ?
                                  2017 - ?

                                • #3790

                                    No problem. Wait for our next election to see if you want to become American citizens!

                                    Glad you found us.

                                  • #3792

                                      Bill, is it a conversion fee…or is it a foreign transaction fee? I know after our first trip to Mexico, we were charged a 3% foreign transaction fee on our Visa card. We got a card without the foreign transaction fee and never had the issue again.

                                    • #3793

                                        Have you considered ordering said amount of pesos or USD from your bank and paying in cash ? We as Canadians have a good run with our dollar the past few years, it is hard to go back. Things will inevitably cost more now than they have in awhile. ( insert sad face)

                                      • #3794

                                          LOL thanks for skipping the sad face B

                                        • #3795

                                            That’s a good idea, Blueskies. We go Dominican pesos a few months ago from AAA. I don’t think there was a charge…it just took a while to come in.

                                          • #3799

                                              There is a 3 or 4 % conversion fee that credit card companies impose, we can probably find a card that charges no conversion fee. But if I where to get USD at the bank before leaving for $1 USD it costs $1.38 CDN so I would have to spend $7400 CDN to equal the $5400 USD for 2 week vacation. The amount of pesos I would have to get at home to pay for $5400 USD vacation would be 97900 pesos. Just going to have to wait for USD and CDN dollars to come back to equal in value and buy a large amount of USD for the future.


                                              2006 Royal Caribbean - Mexican Riviera
                                              2007 Princess - Eastern Caribbean
                                              2008 Holland America - Hawaii
                                              2009 Akumal - Grand Bahia Principe
                                              2010 Mayan - Ocean Turquesa
                                              2011 GP - Royal Suites Yucatan
                                              2011 Holland America - Alaska
                                              2012 GP - Royal Suites Punta de Mita
                                              2013 GP - Lady Hamilton
                                              2014 GP - Royal Suites Turquesa
                                              2015 GP - Bavaro
                                              2016 - ?
                                              2017 - ?

                                            • #3879

                                                Having just looked at my credit card statement, and as a fellow Canadian Bill, I feel your pain. There are few cards that do not have a currency conversion fee. Mine is at 2.5%. There would have no advantage paying in pesos this year, but when the Cdn. dollar was stronger, it was worth it. Hopefully the dollar dive is done!

                                              • #3888

                                                  Joan the CDN dollar is creeping up almost topped out at $.74 whoo whoo I know when it gets close to par again I will be buying enough US dollars to make at least one trip a year to GP’s for at least 10 years. Hope its not a long wait.


                                                  2006 Royal Caribbean - Mexican Riviera
                                                  2007 Princess - Eastern Caribbean
                                                  2008 Holland America - Hawaii
                                                  2009 Akumal - Grand Bahia Principe
                                                  2010 Mayan - Ocean Turquesa
                                                  2011 GP - Royal Suites Yucatan
                                                  2011 Holland America - Alaska
                                                  2012 GP - Royal Suites Punta de Mita
                                                  2013 GP - Lady Hamilton
                                                  2014 GP - Royal Suites Turquesa
                                                  2015 GP - Bavaro
                                                  2016 - ?
                                                  2017 - ?

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