¡Bienvenidos! Forums Palladium Travel Club Welcome to the Unofficial Palladium TC Forum

  • This topic has 8 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anne.
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    • #1974

        Welcome to the new Unofficial Palladium Travel Club forum. This will be a great place to learn about the Travel Club, learn about your membership, and most importantly get the most out of your membership.

      • #1976

          We are honored to have the #1 expert on board. Welcome!!!

        • #1994

            Peter, I’m sure you will be a great help to those who have TC questions as your reviews are always excellent. Another nice addition to this site.

          • #2001


              There is a request on FB to get feedback on the pros & cons of the TC. You are probably the most knowlegeable & balanced person to provide this when time.


            • #2011

                Petr: From Juan Mullin “I have a question for Panzita: I have been TC member since 2012. Since then I have used my weeks in Imbassai twice and RM 5 times. At my arrival at RM in the previous 4 times We were given 2 spa sessions and a tour. The last trip, november 2015, we were received by a new staff member called Youseff and he grave us only the two spa sessions. When I asked him for the tour he toldos me that there was no tour, that I had to choose between a tour or the two spa sessions. He did not know If it had changed because he was a new staff member.
                The question is if there have been changes or If they have been mistaken giving me both benefits in the past.
                Thx in avance!”

              • #2079

                  Firstly, Juan, I am glad to hear that you are using your membership…and obviously enjoying it. The best way to get the most of your membership is to use it. Your specific question is addressed in Annex 5 of the contract. Item #12 on my copy, is a “Home Tour”. This is an excursion from a group of offerings which vary based on the resort you are visiting. One option for the home tour is a combination exfoliation/massage ritual. The home tour is one of the valuable benefits of your membership. When Zentropia took over the spas in the various Grand Palladium resorts, this became an option. This was not an option when Renova had the contract to operate the spas. Sergio Zertuche worked hard to get this option because when members have visited the same resort multiple times, the were looking for another option to the tour. It was during this same negotiation that it became available to use Palladium Money at the spa (but without the 20% discount) as a way to further enhance the value of that benefit. Sometimes, the sales office or marjeting concierge give members (and nonmembers) coupons for a 30 minute massage as a thank you/incentive for attending a sales/upgrade presentation. And sometimes, members…as well as other guests…receive something complimentary as a thank you for being a loyal guest. In the end, however, what members are entitled to according to their contract is one home tour per guest for every 7 night reservation.

                • #3166

                    Vote for the theme of the upcoming Travel Club party

                    Palladium Travel Club – Vote for theme party

                  • #3470

                      2nd anual TC party. Make your reservation for the Palladium Travel Club members Party 2016 in Jamaica.
                      40% off
                      Reservations: Until August 31st, 2016
                      Valid for travel: September 11th , 2016
                      to September 25th ,2016…. See More

                    • #3741

                        Special offers:

                        special TC offers

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